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A Root Canal Could Help You Feel All Right Again

September 1, 2018

Filed under: Blog — wemakeyousmile @ 1:14 am

If you ask a dentist, they might tell you that the five scariest words in English are, “You need a root canal.”
This isn’t because root canal treatments are actually scary. Modern procedures are practically pain-free and often painless. However, they have a worse reputation than they deserve because of older techniques and how they have been portrayed in popular entertainment.
That’s really too bad because many people could avoid a lot of pain if they would just get a root canal at the first signs of a tooth infection.
At the offices of George A. Hoop, DDS, we can help you clear up the problem so you can get back to living a normal life. Call (239) 594-8817 to schedule an appointment at either of our locations in North Naples or Fort Myers, FL.

Your Teeth Should NOT Hurt

This is something everyone should remember. Your teeth should not cause you pain.
Now, some people’s teeth are more sensitive than others. So, keep in mind that you should seek help if you are noticing different issues or more intense problems than you experience normally.
These are all symptoms of a possible tooth infection:

  • Increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks
  • A noticeably darkened tooth
  • Pain when biting or chewing with a particular tooth
  • A pimple-like bump on your gums near your painful tooth
  • Swollen, tender gums near to tooth that is causing you pain

If you are noticing even one of these problems, it’s better to get your mouth checked sooner rather than later. Again, you can call (239) 594-8817 to set up an appointment.

Removing the Infection

Toothaches are often the result of bacteria reaching the soft tissue called pulp at the center of a tooth. Bacteria can cause the pulp to become inflamed. This can put pressure on the nerves inside your tooth, which can cause a variety of painful sensations.
A root canal is how we remove the infected pulp and other tissues from the tooth. Once those tissues are gone, we can fill the tooth with a special material to support the healthy parts of the tooth that are left behind. A dental crown can seal the tooth to restore its function and protect against further damage.
Before we do any of this, however, keep in mind that we offer local anesthetic and both inhaled and oral sedation. By taking advantages of these options, you can remain pain-free throughout the treatment. As you recover, you’ll notice the pains you had been experiencing before will fade away.

Feel Like Yourself Again

As nice as it would be, your toothache is not going to go away on its own. You want to be able to bite, chew, speak, and just breathe without feeling like your tooth is in pain. We can help. We want to help, and we’re close.
Dr. Hoop has offices in North Naples and Fort Myers, FL to help you feel like yourself again. Call (239) 594-8817 today or contact us online if you want to end your pain.

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