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3 Useful Tips to Help Invisalign Patients Floss Correctly

March 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — wemakeyousmile @ 3:43 pm
a person using dental floss

If you’ve just started your Invisalign journey, you’re probably feeling pretty excited about the prospect of working towards a straighter and healthier smile. However, your treatment is heavily dependent on a few things – one of which includes maintaining your oral health and hygiene. This means that if you aren’t brushing and flossing as needed, issues might develop that ultimately set back your timeline. Fortunately, it’s relatively simple to keep up with your at-home hygiene habits during your Invisalign treatment. Here are some tips to help you out when it comes to flossing.

Tip #1. You Can’t Floss While Wearing Your Aligners

The golden rule of Invisalign has to do with wearing your aligners as often as necessary; for the majority of patients, this means wearing them around 22 hours every day, only removing them to eat and brush (and floss) their teeth. Since the trays fully cover your pearly whites while they’re being worn, it’s not physically possible to floss with them in the way. As important as treatment compliance is, it’s simply unwise to neglect brushing and flossing since it can lead to issues that threaten your smile. For instance, if a tooth were to sustain significant decay, it might worsen to the point of falling out – which only complicates things. Be sure you’re removing your aligners only to eat and brush/floss.

Tip #2. Use the Proper Method

Many patients these days admit that they don’t floss as often as they need to – and what’s worse is that many of those who do floss regularly aren’t using the proper method or doing it for as long as needed. Select your preferred brand of dental floss and tear off a strand that’s around a foot or so in length. Wrap one end around your finger, using your other hand to unwind and guide the floss. Carefully push it between two teeth, curving it and moving it up and down gently – do not use a sawing motion. Repeat this carefully between all of your teeth. Rinsing afterward often helps to clear everything out. You can also use a dental flosser if maneuvering the strand of floss proves difficult.

Tip #3. Don’t Neglect Brushing and Rinsing

Flossing is only one part of the equation; while it excels at removing lingering food debris from between the teeth and cleaning those narrow spaces that toothbrushes can’t always reach, the habit alone is not enough to truly protect your smile. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice every day throughout your Invisalign treatment, since it doesn’t just remove food particles but also helps keep your teeth shiny and resilient. Rinsing with mouthwash is another excellent way to supplement your oral hygiene regimen, but just be sure that as with brushing and flossing, you’re removing your aligners. Rinsing with water after a meal can also serve as a temporary solution until you’re able to brush properly.

About the Author

Dr. George A. Hoop received his DDS from the Emory University School of Dentistry and is a proud member of numerous professional organizations, including the Dawson Academy and the Pankey Institute. His practice in Fort Myers offers a wide range of premium restorative solutions, including dental implants. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with his team to set up a visit, feel free to visit them online or call them today. Telephone: (239) 939-7299.