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Your Dentist Can Fix Your Gummy Smile

May 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — wemakeyousmile @ 12:07 am

Woman with beautiful teeth smilingYour teeth aren’t the only component of a flawless smile. Your gum line can affect the way your teeth look. Too much gum tissue can create a short and stubby appearance, better known as a “gummy smile.” Various factors can make your teeth look disproportionate, but you don’t have to feel embarrassed by your smile any longer. Your cosmetic dentist can reveal a big, beautiful smile using the latest advancements in dentistry.

What Causes a Gummy Smile?

Your gingival display affects the aesthetics of your smile. Unfortunately, 10% of adults 20 to 30 years old don’t like the way their teeth look because of excess gum tissue. Although there isn’t a specific definition of a gummy smile, 3 to 4 millimeters of an exposed gum line is considered disproportionate. Too much tissue can affect the height and shape of your teeth, as well as lip movements when smiling, or your jaw’s angle compared to the rest of your face.

Various factors contribute to smaller teeth, but common causes include:

  • Genetics: A gummy smile can be a family trait.
  • Altered Passive Eruptions: Gums covering the teeth’s surfaces after their eruption.
  • Dentoalveolar Extrusion: Overeruption of the front teeth.
  • Vertical Maxillary Excess: The upper jaw bones grow longer than average.

Your cosmetic dentist can find the cause of your gummy smile to create a personalized treatment plan. 

Say Goodbye to a Gummy Smile

There are more options than ever to resolve a gummy smile, but not all will be right for you. Your dentist will examine your mouth and learn more about your goals to create a customized treatment plan, which may include:

  • Gum Recontouring: A soft tissue laser can be used to remove excess tissue or fix an uneven gum line. The minimally invasive method provides pinpoint accuracy to recontour the tissue. The advanced technology reduces the risk of infection, bleeding, and swelling for a quick recovery.
  • Porcelain Veneers: A veneer improves the color, size, and shape of a tooth. When applied to the teeth most visible when smiling, the thin shells can correct several issues simultaneously. Not only can they make your teeth appear larger, but they can also cover stains, chips, and gaps.
  • Dental Bonding: If only one or two teeth are smaller than average, a composite resin material can add length to them. The material is shaded to match the color of your enamel, so no one will know it isn’t part of your real tooth.

Don’t hide your smile behind too much gum tissue. Your cosmetic dentist has the solution you need to boost your confidence. They’ll create the dazzling smile you desire by revealing more of your teeth.

About Dr. George A. HoopDr. Hoop earned his dental degree at the Emory University School of Dentistry before continuing his training in periodontics. He has completed advanced education at many prestigious institutes, including the Dawson Academy. If you are interested in improving your smile, choose a dentist with over 30 years of experience. Contact our office today to request a cosmetic consultation.